What would you do if a deadly venomous snake were cornered in your home? You wouldn’t want it to escape because it would endanger you and your family later. Grabbing it with your bare hands would not end well. Stomping it with your foot would also be dangerous.
On September Tenth 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon could not account for $2.3 Trillion. Back then $2.3 Trillion was still a lot of money. On the next day our attention was refocused onto another shocking matter. We are told that attacks on September Eleventh also destroyed the Pentagon offices which housed records that were relevant to the missing Trillions. The focus of our attentions never returned to the missing money while military adventures became the only important matter at hand. Two decades later, after a humiliating episode in Afghanistan and while still militarily involved in other countries, our attention is drawn in so many shocking directions that we cannot find time or energy to study the events of September Eleventh. Perhaps just as importantly, almost no one even remembers Rumsfeld’s unresolved announcement from September Tenth. We are disoriented and continue, angry or frightened, to jump from event to event, and we never find time to analyze what all of these proddings are leading us toward.[i]
The current narrative of biological crisis is failing spectacularly. The public’s awareness of this failure is divided, but the constantly changing narrative is too self-contradictory to redeem. Soon the excess burden of death and disease will be too great to hide effectively. [ii] [iii]
The Ghislaine Maxwell trial revealed nothing about who among our untouchable elite were involved as clients and facilitators of human traffickers. It was an unsatisfactory conclusion to the Jeffery Epstein affair. Maxwell has announced that she no longer will fight to conceal identities of clients from a 2015 civil lawsuit brought by Virginia Giuffre. Many are suggesting that this turn of events may lead to another prisoner suicide. What if a stage is being set for another Donald Rumsfeld September Tenth moment? What if there is something so shocking coming soon, that it will certainly refocus and command all of our attention? This snake has been cornered before. In the past, it has escaped so skillfully that it even manages to profit from its own apparent distress.[iv]
The timing of Rumsfeld’s September Tenth confession was perfect, with anthrax sprinkled on top. In spite of all of the excitement surrounding the Edward Snowden revelations, the effect was no more than a coming out party for domestic surveillance. Those who had been outraged that G.W. Bush would dare to access library records quickly grew accustomed, to the notion that all of their communications are being monitored. This snake has gained ground, after exposing or humiliating itself so many times in the past that, it may reasonably be expected to do it again.[v] [vi]
The future cannot be known, but one thing seems certain. The snake cannot afford to give up. If key players are exposed and neutralized at this late stage the consequences’ to them will be terrible. We must consider every known possibility and be mindful that some tricks that we have not considered may be deployed. As the security of these conspirators grows more perilous, the potential for desperate, destructive maneuvers will increase.
It seems as if many triggers are set and ready to initiate a severe crisis that can be used to justify some prompt rash remedy that will have lasting consequences. We should expect something comparable to September Eleventh, or to the T.A.R.P. bailouts. An avalanche of debt triggered inflation awaits. Speaking at a recent event called “The Davos Agenda” U.S. Secretary Of The Treasury, Janet Yellen spoke about inflation without even mentioning the fact that more than 40% of all U.S. Dollars in circulation were issued during the past twenty months. The World Economic Forum held an event called Cyber Polygon, anticipating catastrophic cybersecurity attacks. We have been all but promised Smallpox. [vii] [viii] [ix] [x] [xi] [xii]
The next step along this path cannot be known with certainty, even though outlines of some possibilities are published in advance. One thing that the snake cannot afford to do is give up. If key players are exposed at this late stage the consequences to them will be terrible. We must consider every known possibility and be mindful that some tricks that we have never considered may be deployed. As the security of these conspirators grows more perilous the potential that they will use desperate and destructive maneuvers will increase.
There is potential for, at least some faction of the public, to enjoy a false victory. Consider this account by Kitty Werthmann, of Austria welcoming Hitler’s government. With Communist and Nazis fighting in the street Austrians were desperate. Communist were rioting and destroying property. Austria held a referendum and invited Hitler to restore order.
During the riots that followed the George Floyd murder, opinion polls suggested that a majority of the American public supported using the military restore order. “History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” From the 2020 election cycle until now, Donald Trump’s base of support has been fed a steady diet of evidence of election fraud. An apparent victory could be offered. Even if the entire Globalist construct seems to be failing, and its champions are in disgrace, we can be led to demand our own enslavement. We can never know with certain detail how the future will unfold, but if we understand something of the narrative makers’ motives, and know something of their history, imagining what may happen is not a foolish exercise. One seldom considered possibility is that of election fraud evidence gaining mainstream credibility. The public is already primed to ask for military intervention to restore civil order. Trump’s base of support eventually began to realize that they had been set up on January Sixth 2020. Few of them have even considered the possibility that their own champions facilitated this betrayal. [xiii]
With forethought and hindsight we may realize that it is better, in the long run, to let some cities burn, while we strive to build refuges of peace and lives of constructive activities. If we could have seen the humiliating retreat from Afghanistan twenty years ago we would have thought differently about that adventure. If in the future, when we are looking back on twenty years of martial law, what if anything will we be able to do about it? Will we then focus only on current matters, while still never considering how this condition evolved, or where that future course will lead?
This snake may be injured but it is still dangerous. An injured snake will strike at anything. It may even bite itself. Cowering to avoid danger will ensure its escape and ultimate success. Attacking it carelessly while uninformed may have the same effect.
[ii] https://www.thecentersquare.com/indiana/indiana-life-insurance-ceo-says-deaths-are-up-40-among-people-ages-18-64/article_71473b12-6b1e-11ec-8641-5b2c06725e2c.html
[iv] https://nypost.com/2022/01/15/ghislaine-maxwell-will-no-longer-fight-to-keep-names-of-8-john-does-secret/
[v] https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1603-lawyers-committee-anthrax-petition/
[vi] https://www.salon.com/2014/11/20/utah_may_deprive_nsa_facility_of_all_its_water_this_is_a_bill_about_civil_rights/
[vii] https://www.weforum.org/events/the-davos-agenda-2022/sessions/a-conversation-with-janet-l-yellen-secretary-of-the-treasury-of-the-united-states-of-america
[viii] https://techstartups.com/2021/05/22/40-us-dollars-existence-printed-last-12-months-america-repeating-mistake-1921-weimar-germany/
[ix] https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/04/investigative-reports/wef-warns-of-cyber-attack-leading-to-systemic-collapse-of-the-global-financial-system/
[x] https://alt-market.us/cyberpolygon-will-the-next-globalist-war-game-lead-to-another-convenient-catastrophe/
[xi] https://www.technocracy.news/bill-gates-now-warns-about-smallpox-terror-attacks/
[xii] https://www.technocracy.news/bill-gates-now-warns-about-smallpox-terror-attacks/
[xiii] https://assets.morningconsult.com/wp-uploads/2020/06/01181629/2005131_crosstabs_POLICE_RVs_FINAL_LM-1.pdf#page195 Table MC11_3: Would you support or oppose cities taking the following measures to address protests and demonstrations in dozens of U.S. cities in
response to the death of George Floyd?
Calling in the U.S. military to supplement city police forces