Compost 'em.

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This is how it was designed to work but not enough people take an interest in local, state politics. They may talk at the local dinner but they don't even know the township commissioner.

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Then be persistent about doing it your dang self and go looking for allies instead of thinking that you govern backwards from a majority. This is do or die for human civilization.

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Re the last line of your article, what has happened here should never be allowed to happen again.

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"One important topic for consideration is how those who currently rule by violence and deceit will be dealt with. Many people are beginning to talk about Nuremburg Trials, but what if there is a better way?"


That concept was tested through 'Project Paperclip,' but ultimately, its outcomes weren't entirely successful. While it led to the achievement of landing on the moon, questions arose about the fate of the project. Did it transition into covert operations within intelligence agencies? Indeed, that's precisely what occurred because of the exceptional intelligence capabilities of the Nazis, which the Western world couldn't disregard. Consequently, they adopted its personnel and framework, integrating it as part of their own intelligence network, akin to assimilation into the 'Borg.'

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Compost them , good one but what sort of plant would you get. Put them onto a beach cleaning or other rubbish clearing job

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