“Winston was struck, as he had been struck before, by the tiredness of O'Brien's face. It was strong and fleshy and brutal, it was full of intelligence and a sort of controlled passion before which he felt himself helpless; but it was tired. There were pouches under the eyes, the skin sagged from the cheekbones. O'Brien leaned over him, deliberately bringing the worn face nearer. 'You are thinking,' he said, 'that my face is old and tired. You are thinking that I talk of power, and yet I am not even able to prevent the decay of my own body. Can you not understand, Winston, that the individual is only a cell? The weariness of the cell is the vigour of the organism. Do you die when you cut your fingernails?'
When consuming media from any source, it is a good idea to not only consider the veracity of what you are told and shown, but also to discern what reaction the presentation is designed to provoke.
I was recently shown a video by The Peoples Voice called 'Sickening' Tape of Bernie Sanders Raping Boy Surfaces in New Pizzagate Files. It begins by using the allegations of Jennifer Guskin against Bernie Sanders to remind us of Pizzagate. I am not going to even consider the merit of these allegations but will instead discuss the presentation of this video and try to infer its purpose.
The first five minutes are spent discussing Sanders, then more generally people associated with Pizzagate. It thereby establishes a visceral reaction of disgust and contempt for those involved. After the emotional foundation of this presentation is set, at 5:29 the theme of the video shifts by introducing Călin Georgescu as an insider turned whistleblower. At seven minutes this “whistleblower” offers the suggestion that Donald Trump is the Monkey Wrench that threatens to destroy this evil system. But shouldn’t we ask ourselves: Why now? Why would this insider, Călin Georgescu suddenly put himself at risk by turning against a system that he has helped to build and helped to sustain?
The Switcheroo
With the emotional foundation of anger and disgust established, relief is offered beginning with the introduction of Călin Georgescu then leading to the offer of a savior in Donald Trump. This emotional setting carries through the thematic shift and helps to blunt or prevent any critical thought about the remedy that is offered. Few of us will bother to separate the components of this presentation for analysis. It is already known that most of us will never imagine anything that has not been suggested to us. It is also known that we tend to cluster in groups of people who are believed to be similar to ourselves, and that our need to find security within those groups encourages conformity.
Is Big Brother trimming his fingernails?
Accusations against Bernie Sanders and news of the arrest of public figures who once debunked Pizzagate are not needed for us to realize the depravity of so many people who are prominent within influential institutions. Cindy McCain once confessed, “Epstein was hiding in plain sight. We all knew about him.” So why now, are we being prompted to react, instead of back then? Long standing institutions are now failing in ways that are not easily hidden. Some dramatic shift is needed to continue the systematic subjugation of humanity.
The pendulum of political and cultural change swings more dramatically with each passing cycle. After one administration’s shtick wears thin a new and supposedly radically different one is brought in to continue the degrading process. It is like a tag team wrestling match, with us stuck in their corner. We are too confused by the pummeling to realize that both champions are on the same team. We focus on matters of controversy that are suggested in media. These points of contention are often superficial, but even when important matters are included, the focus of our attention is shifted so constantly and quickly that we remain disoriented.
What if we broke free from the influence of narrative managers even briefly, and then chose for ourselves where to focus our attention? We may decide to choose and to consider the trajectories that continue with each changing of the guard, instead of focusing on whatever current outrage is being offered to the masses for consideration.
Governance by crisis management seems to never end. The National Emergency previously declared on September 14, 2001 continues to this day. Not only does it continue but it is deliberately renewed annually by the president’s signature. G.W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden are all on board when it comes to governance by crisis management. The Covid-19 incident was initiated earlier than most people realize. The Debt Ceiling was suspended on August 2 2019 by Donald Trump. This cleared the way for limitless funding of a military deployment against the people of The United States and against the rest of the world. This funding was made available without the bother of securing funds during the heat of battle. When the Trump team tagged out, this genocidal baton was handed to the Biden team. Our pummeling continued and we remained confused, because we were convinced that some radical change in leadership had occurred.
Big Brother is trimming his fingernails!
The “Empire Of Chaos” is built on failure. Nothing creates demand for, or acceptance of authoritarian government quite like fear and despair. In a panicked state we are convinced that our strongman will fix things, and that he will correct the course of the nation, that is, if only our foolish neighbors, and the team that insults us and flatters them, would just get out of the way. It is as if we are all cheerleaders, on the sidelines, watching some reality television show that has the power to touch every part of our lives. We spend a great deal of energy finding fault with the opposing would-be leader, and we spend our time antagonizing the other team’s cheer-leading fan-base, all just to maintain a frenzied enthusiasm within our own camp, and while making excuses for our own standard-bearers’ failures. Imagining any other options, or correcting our own champion’s goals or tactics seems futile, after all, it’s a two party system.
The video about Bernie Sanders and Pizzagate switched its theme midway so that our emotional reaction would guide our responses to the conclusions suggested in the later half of the video.
Shouldn’t we always pause to wonder what we are being led to by any presentation from any media, whether it is deemed as from friendly media or as from adversarial media? Shouldn’t we all strive to keep in mind how we were all led in the past? Shouldn’t we bring forth memories of events , facts, and older story-lines to aid our analyses, especially when nobody is prompting us to do so?
Some of you may have noticed The Epoch Times’s growing prominence in conservative media in recent years. Try this test by conducting two searches. Use Google because Google still offers a count of the approximate number of matches found. Try a site: search for “CCP virus” on https:www.theepochtimes.com/. At this time I got about 2,270 results. Now try a different site: search on Epoch Times, one for "Ralph Baric". I got five results. (some results are duplicate)
We must decide for ourselves what this suggest about how The Epoch Times is leading us. What do they want us to think about and how are they prompting us to react? Using a term like “CCP Virus” to describe the cause of what we have suffered, is clearly a tactic that shifts all blame, and our attention toward Chinese institutions. Despite obvious Chinese involvement, couldn’t we benefit from devoting some of our limited mental and emotional energy differently? The Wuhan Institute of Virology worked in close cooperation with Ralph Baric’s lab at The University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. We have no reasonable expectation that Chinese institutions will cooperate fully with our need for discovery, but domestic labs can be compelled to divulge all records and communications related to the development and the release of biological warfare agents. By allowing our attention to be guided by media such as The Epoch Times we are four years behind in our understanding of the terrible reality that the whole world still faces.
Now back to the tag team wrestling match. One of the champions has rested while standing outside of the ring. He is now ready to tag back in having secured plausible deniability for his participation in creating pandemic hysteria and for his part in creating the growing inevitable debt crisis. I hesitate to say anything that may reinforce a belief that election theater has any great significance of its own. I prefer instead to suggest that this show becomes important because we react predictably. Our attention becomes focused on the immediate dramatization at the expense of any considerations about how we will manage the ongoing future and without proper consideration of what we already know about how we all fell into such peril.
We are like teenagers, adamantly confident of our opinions while never realizing that they are only echoes of the prompts that are ubiquitous in the environment. Not one in one-hundred of us ever bother attempting to compose our own reasonable narrative, a worldview that accommodates everything that we have seen and heard through a course of decades, while acknowledging what is yet uncertain or unknown.
Choose the form of the Destructor
What did you dream?
It’s alright we told you what to dream.
Switcheroo © 2024 by Mark Gresham is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
"Both champions are on the same team." I just listened to today's podcast by Mike Adams but couldn't get through it because he kept talking about the terror campaign the 'Radical Left' would launch if Trump's "elected." Trump is just the next chapter of the same terror campaign, except with the element of surprise that the wind-swept 'patriots' didn't see it coming.
Great advice and an enjoyable read, I think!