In his post Looming Omicron Lockdown, Dr Philip McMillan suggests that the Omicron variant will cause severe disease and that this will prompt another Lockdown. He explains in detail why those who were vaccinated are now the ones who are most vulnerable to Omicron but does not state why now, almost two years after Omicron was first detected, we should expect a wave of lethal disease to arrive.
Recently renewed hype about Corona Virus is the reason that many are now expecting new Lockdowns but that is not a scientific explanation. There is a reason to presume that a lethal disease can be unleashed on the world. On October 14, 2022 researchers from Boston University School of Medicine published news that a very lethal chimera of Omicron and the ancestral Wuhan strain had been created.
The Crowned Prince of all narrative managers, Donald Trump himself, has chimed in, and in a fashion that causes me to wonder if those of us who are now rightfully primed to vigorously resist Lockdown, are being led into a trap. Consider Trump’s history. Given that in 2011 he launched a presidential campaign based on nothing but his demand to see Barack Obama’s birth certificate, should we not have expected him to honor Lt. Col. Terry Lakin’s request for a pardon, especially after Lakin had been imprisoned for making the same demand. It seems as if Laken’s request did not serve Trump’s purpose at that time, or more accurately, it did not serve the purposes of the narrative that Trump works to support.
It is not hard to imagine that Trump knew that he was leading his most loyal supporters into a trap on January 6th 2021. This search, , revealed only one result, . Trump’s post asks if the allegation that Ray Epps’s wife works for a company affiliated with Dominion Voting is true. Surely the Trump team must be resourceful enough to answer this question. Ray Epps’s documentable behavior, as well as the failure of law enforcement to arrest him until very recently, supports January sixth prisoners’ claims of malicious prosecution. Trump, instead of effectively using the Epps matter to help vindicate his most loyal supporters, poses a question designed to lure them, to again appear foolish. This Ring Master seems able to inflame the passions of both sides of the political spectrum simultaneously.
On March Eighteenth 2023 Trump published his expectation that he would be arrested the following Tuesday. He instructed his supporters to “ PROTEST, TAKE OUR NATION BACK!”. There was no arrest until another Tuesday, April Fourth, but this time there was no similar request for protesters to take our nation back. It is my presumption that analysis of internet activity revealed that not enough Trump supporters were inclined to risk being involved in another January Sixth type event, to make a good show. The two week delay was a cooling off break designed to maintain an illusion of narrative cohesion.
This speculation about narrative management, with Trump’s chiming in, is meant to support my allegation that another trap is being set. With so many people primed and ready, to react to another lockdown, and in a fashion that they may wish that they had done before, we should ask ourselves: What could go wrong?. Dr McMillan’s explanation of compromised immunity among the vaccinated, along with Boston University School of Medicine’s announcement that very lethal artificial pathogens are still being created suggest that great suffering will be inflicted on society while pandemic weary people are expecting nothing more than hype. It seems possible that a stage is being set to sucker punch, overconfident and partially informed protesters. Surely it is foolish to assume that this new spirit of rebellion goes unnoticed and unaccounted for by the narrative managers. The ability to monitor and analyze sentiment in real-time, and even to test reactions with well placed trial-balloons, is an advantage that we should dare not ignore.
This speculation and analysis may seem pessimistic or suggestive of hopelessness but that need not be so. Any large portion of Eight Billion people striving to become aware, informed and independent thinkers will become a type of organism. An organism with real intelligence that no artificially intelligent algorithm can match. The narrative managers using algorithms to guide humanity are relatively few and they have limited adaptive capacities. We are led to identify ourselves with only a few emotionally driven factions. Simple reactive systems are controllable. Complex societies of independent minded people are not so easily led.
The task of recruiting adequate numbers of our fellowmen to seek this type of enlightenment is a puzzle worth attempting to solve. Do not be afraid to have face to face conversations with all people. Be aware that most of the content that is delivered through media are prompts and provocations that are designed to guide your thoughts and your behaviors, and that all electronic communication is monitored and analyzed. If we are independent and unpredictable freethinkers we will not be easily led. The principal characters who are shown to us for narrative management purposes are beyond our reach and influence, but we are surrounded by those with lesser authority. They are within reach, they are not so different from ourselves, and they are approachable if you are only a little bit bold. If you are the only one who ever asks a doctor or pharmacist to consider and discuss information about the harm done by mRNA therapy, then they will ignore the encounter, but if a great many people are emboldened to pursue such conversation it cannot be easily dismissed. If you alone are the only one who asks the policeman if there is any law or any order that he will refuse to enforce, you will be dismissed as a nuisance, but when the general public realizes and proclaims openly that police in repressive systems are also ordinary men, then policemen may begin to seek to be respected instead of just being feared. Nobody with any authority is beyond scrutiny.